DE Music School & Church Concerts

DEMusic School  and Youth Ministry Concerts:

David is really excited to get back into sharing his scripture based music in 2023 and has multiple set lists prepared for communities he is revisiting. He will be available to perform concerts on Thursdays and Fridays this year. He may also be available to help out with church worship on weekends upon request.

DEMusic concerts are written and performed by Mr David Enever (A Christian Primary School teacher with over ten years experience)  and have been previously performed in NSW, VIC and ACT, Australia. 

Concert options include:

- Whole school concerts (for schools less than 200 students) which go for approximately 60 minutes

- Primary concerts (Years 3-6 for schools over 200 students) which go for approximately 60 minutes

- Infants concerts (Years K-2 for schools over 200 students) which go for approximately 45 minutes

- SCHOOL COMMUNITY CONCERTS NOW AVAILABLE!! (See more information regarding this in the section below and on the home page)

- Preschool concerts (up to 30 minutes with a combination of Dave's songs and other preschool classics)

- 30 minute, Virtual Dance Along concerts. These can be done via Zoom or other platforms your school or church use,  for up to 200 participants (though I can cater for larger audiences, just let Dave know) *THESE ARE AVAILABLE TO BOTH AUSTRALIA AND OTHER ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES*

All DEMusic concerts aim to encourage faith formation and reflection through singing, dance and sometimes role playing with friendly dialogue/teaching between songs (with the occasional dad joke...or choo) along with the popular 'air guitar challenge'.

For schools/church groups hosting their first concert, Dave's set list comes mainly from his debut album 'Be the Light (be the hope)' while communities he is revisiting for the second or third time (or beyond) will engage with new set lists, including a mix of his new releases and some previous concert favourites.

Feel free to also request your own songs for concerts to suit particular themes you will be focused on for the time of the year he performs. 

In the lead up to his school concerts, Dave will share with the school a YouTube playlist of many of the songs he will perform on the date. On the concert day, he will set up his own sound equipment and perform, teaching and reflecting on our faith between songs, along with encouraging students to sing and move along to the songs. One song in the set (for small school or primary sets) challenges a few student volunteers to role play out the ballad being performed, while towards the conclusion, he hosts an air guitar (or fish and bread guitar) challenge for a student from each grade. Dave also sends out a lyrics slide presentation for the concert, if the school is able to organise a computer and someone to run the slideshow as he performs. 

Testimonies from schools:

(Brigid Vieira, Religious Education Coordinator, All Hallows, Five Dock.)

We booked David for our school Christmas Concert and we loved him! Catchy songs with really positive, beautiful lyrics, taking joy in our faith!

The students loved him and joined in all the songs whole-heartedly. Dave himself was such an easygoing person to work with, logistics and practise were handled smoothly and in a timely manner. I would recommend to anyone!  

David tailored a song to match our school's motto which was a very special addition to the night! We also requested an extra song written by one of our students to be added to the mix and David was very enthusiastic in accompanying them and supporting the students who were Masters of Ceremony to enter into their role.

Each class was given a video link with actions and music to follow a term in advance. On the day, David arrived early to set up and then he led each class group in a practise during the day leading up to the concert and even got the parents engaged in the singing on the night!

The students LOVED singing the songs and there were many enthusiastic cries of "Look! It's Dave from Youtube!" throughout the day as the children excitedly watched the setup.

(Philippa Harris, Religious Education Coordinator of Mater Dei Primary School, Wagga Wagga)

 "The concert was uplifting and the children were engaged. It was fabulous how it connected Jesus' messages to inspirational songs. Loved 'Be the Light'; was singing it to myself after the concert finished!"

(Lindy Cullinane, Religious Education Coordinator at St Mary's Primary, Hamilton)

We booked David Enever for his “Be the Light’ community concert in June, 2023. It was a fantastic success and such an easy way to hold a school concert. It was hassle free, due to David’s brilliant script and song choice. At the beginning of term, he sent us the script and song list with actions for each class area to practise. We spent the term working on these and by the time he visited us in week 8, we had mastered it all! He is amazing with his communication and is so flexible. If you want to change the script or add solo singers etc, you were welcome too. 

He arrived early on concert day, worked with the school for the duration of the day to put it all together and then at 6.30pm we were ready to perform with no stress at all! 

The concert was a wonderful experience for all and sent out a beautiful message to our school community about being the best person you can be and encouraging us to live like Jesus did. 

The students enjoyed the songs and the Amen Medley was a real hit with them all. 

We would highly recommend David for a whole school concert and would be happy to speak to anyone enquiring about his performance.

 If your school (or classes within your school) or church are interested in a live (or virtual) concert,  please contact David using the contact link below.  You can also check his availability using the corresponding link: 





A great option for schools that would like to take the stress out of their end of year school community performances

DEMusic Christmas School Community Concerts are available in November and December annually 🎄 Easter community concerts are also available in the month leading up to Easter annually along with my Lenten themed community concert during Lent. For the remainder of the year I offer a 'Be the Light' themed Community concert.

If a concert, led by a musician, with involvement by the students is something your school is interested in, this offer might serve you well and cut a lot of stress out for staff organising and running that whole school event! 

I am confident that my one hour set, with a mixture of some of my originals and some Christmas Carol covers will both help engage and help many more school communities to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.

My Lenten and Be the Light sets contain all original DEMusic songs, while the Easter themed set has a mixture of originals and classic hymns. 

BUT HOW WOULD IT WORK FOR MY SCHOOL? Basically, if your school was to book in one of these concerts, I would send you a script for the concert to be led by two (or more) student narrators. The songs you would perform (all with dance along actions) would be linked to unlisted Youtube videos, which would allow classes to practice them leading up to the concert. On the day, I would come out to the school to work with individual classes for the first two sessions, before using the afternoon session to do a 'whole school dry run' before we perform it in front of your school community that evening (or afternoon if you require). 

BUT HOW MUCH WOULD THIS COST? Living in Wagga Wagga, the cost would be dependant on travel, accomodation and also on the enrolment size of your school, so it would be best to contact me for a quote. As they have proven to be popular, I would encourage you to contact me as early as possible if you are considering this for your school.